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One More International
7483 Arapahoe Rd
Boulder, CO 80303
Contact us for any further questions at 1-918-202-4066
Click the Donate button below to make a one-time donation
Click the Donate button below to become a monthly partner by donating a recurring gift
Your support is greatly needed and appreciated! It would be our honor to have you partner with us, whether it be with a one-time donation to a project or a monthly gift. Each donation allows OMI to continue expanding the Kingdom of God as we "make disciples of all nations."
OMI needs your support to make Kingdom impact in these areas. As you read about our different projects, should desire to give to a specific project you can do so by clicking the link above or contacting us via email at
New Ceiling
Second Floor Progress
New Flooring
Third Floor Progress
Conference Center Construction
OMI Conference Center is a three floor project.
1- The first floor is complete and allows for our International Institute of Biblical Theology (IIBT) to function optimally, hold pastoral conferences, ministerial symposiums, graduations and other ministerial events.
2- The second floor is under current construction. This floor will showcase OMI & MCDF offices and administration. The 2nd floor budget is $3,000.
3- The third floor is under current construction. will accommodate ministries, pastors and any person involved with short term kingdom projects in Costa Rica. The 3rd floor budget is $2,500.

Pastoral Symposiums
Pastoral Theological Symposiums reach hundreds of pastors annually. The cost per symposium ranges from $2500-$3500 per symposium. This includes airplane tickets for teachers, food for the pastors, materials for the pastors, and rental of the building or the church.
Through teaching sessions and workshop dialogue we are able to establish biblical themes pertinent to those with whom we are ministering. OMI covers all costs for the needy pastors including: meals, materials, transport, instruction, and free enrollment. For more information about our symposiums click here.

International Institute of Biblical Theology
​We currently do not charge brothers and sisters from Venezuela, Cuba or Indigenous groups in the Americas due to their inability to gather enough funds to pursue schooling through the IIBT. You can help a pastor study towards his "Preparation of Ministry" and then on to his/her "Associates of Biblical Studies Degree" by donating. The dollar amounts below are how much it costs in each area to provide schooling for pastors in each geographical area.
Venezuela and Cuba
$10.50/month donation will allow one student to study
$105/month donation will allow 10 Venezuelan or Cuban pastors to study
$7.50/month donation will allow one student to study
$75/month donation will allow 10 pastors from Embera and Ngâbe-Buglé people of Panama and Costa Rica to study
Other Latin American countries:
$8.50/month donation will allow one student to study
$85/month donation will allow 10 pastors from; Mexico, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, and others to study.
If you are interested in supporting a pastor or an IIBT student from any of these areas in the Americas please contact us via email at: